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  • 382. To Our Children’s Children. Journal of Family Memories

    $ 15.00

    By Bob Greene & D. G. Fulford. Hardcover. 240 pages. Condition: Excellent; unused. ISBN: 0-385-49064-X. A collection of over one thousand evocative questions, the book offers a very personal, human approach to genealogy, awakening readers to the possibility of creating a family history through the simple act of remembering.

  • 773. Roots For Kids. A Genealogy Guide for Young People

    $ 15.00

    By Susan Provost Beller. 2007. An introduction to genealogy with instructions on how to use sources at home and do research at local, state, and national levels. Each beautifully illustrated chapter ends with an activity related to the subject of that chapter. Second Edition. Softbound, good condition, non-circulating library edition (has library ID markings), 8.5”…

  • 898. Creating Junior Genealogists.

    $ 15.00

    Creating Junior Genealogists. Tips and Activities for Family History Fun by Karen Frisch. Offers numerous suggestions to teach your children basic genealogical tasks and finding records on the internet. Your children will be building family ties, learning research skills, and making memories that will last long after they are grown. Publication Date: 2003 by|…