
The Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society (WPGS) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization of amateur and professional family historians and genealogists dedicated to the study and preservation of family history mainly in Western Pennsylvania. Since 1974, WPGS has aimed to provide members with genealogically related information, connections, and resources to enhance your family history research, wherever it may take you.

The Board of Directors and Committee Leaders are continually striving to better serve our members and provide value to the genealogy community. One way we are serving members is by continually expanding the content available on our website. Please check back often! If you wish to learn more about the history of WPGS, we have prepared a 40-year history. Also from 1974, our ABC’s of Genealogy Research still applies.  The latest revisions to the WPGS Bylaws were approved on June 19, 2017.

Our Geographic Area

Allegheny 1788Armstrong 1800Beaver 1800
Bedford 1771Blair 1846Butler 1800
Cambria 1804Cameron 1860Clarion 1839
Clearfield 1804Crawford 1800Elk 1843
Erie 1800Fayette 1783Forest 1848
Greene 1796Indiana 1803Jefferson 1804
Lawrence 1849McKean 1804Mercer 1800
Somerset 1795Venango 1800Warren 1800
Washington 1781Westmoreland 1773 
The Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society does research in the 26 counties west of Centre County. These are the western Pennsylvania counties, along with their dates of organization.

Operating Year: July 2023 – June 2024

WPGS Officers

President:Megan Clark Young
President-Elect:Lindsay Downs
Recording Sec.:Erica Curtis
Corresponding Sec.:Kelsea Collins
Treasurer:Dave Salvatora

WPGS Directors

Director 2022-2024:Pamela Israel
Director 2022-2024:Rebecca Miller
Director 2022-2024:Robert Hague
Director 2023-2025:Amy Welch
Director 2023-2025:Kristin Britanik
Director 2023-2025:Lois Salvatora

Project Leaders & Committees

Ancestor Charts:Rob Felton
Archives:Pamela Israel
Book Sales:Rebecca Miller
Digitizing:Kathleen Kenna
Facebook:Lindsay Downs
First Families:Megan Young
Historian:Joyce Homan
Indexing:Nancy Marsh
Library Collection:Patte Kelley
Library Research:Lois Salvatora
Membership:Lois Salvatora
Newsletter (Jots):Rebecca Miller
Programs:Amy Welch
Publicity & Communications:Lindsay Downs
Suzanne Johnston Scholarship:Amy Welch
Quarterly:Erica Curtis
Website:Kristin Britanik