From the Archives: Genealogy Resources on Historic Pittsburgh

April 8, 2023 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Virtual We’ll be using this Easter weekend program slot to revisit one of our popular programs promoting the genealogical research resources on Historic Pittsburgh. This site is the “digital front door” for about a dozen institutions in Western Pennsylvania and includes a wealth of free resources. Join us…

Genealogy Day at CLP

Genealogy Day at CLP

February 19, 2023 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA Join genealogy societies and libraries from Western Pennsylvania for help with your research and information about their collections. Workshops will help beginners and experts alike with speakers discussing a variety of research topics. Program Schedule 11 am: “Family Tree Basics”…

Genealogical Resources in Western Pennsylvania

Genealogical Resources in Western Pennsylvania

September 10, 2022 10:30 am – 11:30 am Jump-start  your Western Pennsylvania research with this overview of resources available for research on Western Pennsylvania people and places, both online and on site. Includes libraries, archives, church records, newspapers, and more. Marilyn Cocchiola Holt is the former Library Services Manager of the Pennsylvania Department at Carnegie…

WPGS Annual Meeting & Program: Genealogical Timelines for Organization, Analysis and Problem Solving

WPGS Annual Meeting & Program: Genealogical Timelines for Organization, Analysis and Problem Solving

June 11, 2022 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Virtual Please join us for our annual meeting and election of 2022-2023 board members, along with our final program before summer break. In researching our family, we gather extensive amounts of records and information to be compiled. Laura Cubbage-Draper, a professional genealogist, will show us how timelines are…