930. Genealogical Research in Nebraska.

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By Ruby Coleman. Nebraska became a state in 1867 and while not like the early 1600s records of New England, records of the 1860s do exist. It contains thousands of URLs and genealogical info plus historical information. The chapters are … Nebraska Settlement and Statehood Trails, Roads and Forts Settlements Ethnic Groups and Settlements Native Americans Courts and Records Land Laws and Records Nebraska’s Large Repositories Census Records Religious Records Newspapers Cemeteries Steamboats and Railroads Orphan Trains Wars and Military Records Schools Institutions Organizations Farming, Ranching and Records Federal Records of Nebraska Addresses Nebraska Counties Nebraska Book Sales, Book Sales > Publications and Histories Family History Centers Maps, Atlases, Directories and Gazetteers. Publication Date: 2011 | Binding: Soft cover. | Condition: Very good; non-circulating library edition, with library ID markings. | Pages: 109