WPGS Quarterly

The entire archive of the WPGS Quarterly

Guidelines for Submission

The Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society (WPGS) welcomes unique, well-documented articles focusing on researched family histories from any ethnic, social or religious groups in Western Pennsylvania’s 26 counties or history articles that would be considered useful to Pennsylvania genealogy researchers.   Types of manuscripts accepted include but are not limited to:

  • Histories of Pennsylvania ancestors
  • Western Pennsylvania locality research
  • Unpublished bible, church, and cemetery records


No advertisement of any kind is permitted.
Address questions to the editors at: quarterly@wpgs.org.

Current Edition

The first article of Issue 43, of the WPGS Quarterly is now available.

Laura Cubbage-Draper’s family narrative establishes the descendants of James Cubbage and Jane Gilfillan, married in 1804 in Allegheny County Pennsylvania.  Presbyterianism and Scots-Irish origins provide a connection between the two families.  Recollections from the couple’s granddaughter, held at the Detre Library and Archives, John Heinz History Center, illuminate unique insights about the family’s homestead located in the present-day Borough of Carnegie. Foundations in Faith: The James Cubbage and Jane Gilfillan Family of Allegheny County includes a genealogical summary that reflects all birth, marriage and death data for each of James and Jane Gilfillan Cubbage’s children.

Previous Digital Editions

The WPGS Quarterly is a collection of scholarly genealogical articles related to Western Pennsylvania genealogy. The publication was on a hiatus since the 2015-2016 membership year and was revived digitally in 2023.


Below is an archive of all of our Quarterly Publications as well as an index.