The MISCELLANEOUS DOCKETS OF QUARTER SESSIONS, ALLEGHENY COUNTY are 77 digitized consecutive volumes that contain various entries covering years through the early 1870s in Allegheny County and include Commitments of Lunacy into the last book (Mayview, Fairview, Woodville, Danville). Examples of what can be found in these volumes include Appointments, Commitments (lunacy, insanity), Disbarments, Detailing of Judges, Elections, Habeas Corpus, In Re: Cases (forfeiture of gambling devices, liquor destruction, the testimony of jail prisoners), Inspector of Elections, Indebtedness, Mental Examinations, Orders for Commitment, Private Detective Licensees (includes petitioner background, affidavits, orders of the courts), Prisoner Releases, Prisoner Transfers.

The indexes are loaded with the subject matter and information, such as names, dates, locations, disposition – the who, what, when, where, and why. Each volume contains its own table of contents arranged by alphabetical subject matter similar to what is described above.

The Dockets of Quarter Sessions, Allegheny County are of a similar nature as the Miscellaneous Dockets, but not nearly as informative. Most of the entries have 5-7 line descriptions pertaining to various referenced petitions: Assault and Battery, Selling Liquor on Sunday (imagine that!), Larceny, Carrying Concealed Weapons, etc.

Surname index that includes the Surname, Given Name, Document, Location, Vol., and PDF Page Number of all surnames noted in the Index to Dockets.


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